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Forum:Space Explorers & Workers
Topic:[ASF Astro Chat] Apollo 15 astronaut Al Worden
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FFrenchYou'll see that Michael Raynor, the actor who played Al Worden in "From the Earth to the Moon," was one of the people who asked a question. His full comment, as he posted on Facebook, had some interesting insights into the filming too:
Hi Colonel Worden, we've never met, but I had the good fortune to portray you in the Emmy Award winning HBO miniseries From the Earth to the Moon. Believe it or not, I had little preparation and there I was- day one- in a make-shift weightless module, as well as stationary airplane that rocked back and forth while enormous fans blew wind at me. Not the real thing for sure. How long did it take until you could identify the specific craters on the moon, let alone pronounce the names of them? I recently came across someone in Los Angeles who doesn't believe that anyone actually went to the moon. What can I say to a person like that? I thank you in advance and have tremendous respect for your accomplishments. -Michael Raynor
Fezman92I'm watching the interview and it is very cool. Plus he answered my question. I really like this idea and am working on other questions to ask.
MCroft04This is really cool! My question didn't get asked, but I found myself on the edge of my seat the entire time hoping my question would get asked but content listening to others questions. Let's do this again.
rjurek349Kudos to the ASF for a great idea, and making, once again, our heroes very accessible to us and our questions.
nasamadWell done ASF, a great idea and success, I look forward to the next installment.
spaced outDefinitely a nice initiative from the ASF.

If I'm allowed a little constructive criticism, it probably would have been better to have a little more time to gather questions. Giving less than 24 hours notice probably meant a lot of people missed the chance to post a question.

Also, the Q&A was clearly real time. Maybe the full text of the questions could be shown to the astronaut in advance next time to give them a chance to read the full context and to give them a little time to reflect on them, then in the live interview they can respond to the abridged questions in a little more depth. Just a suggestion.

Apollo ReduxThank you Col. Worden, and to all those responsible for the broadcast. Thoroughly enjoyable!
ASF1984Hi Spaced Out – thank you for your comments.

In the future, we plan to give plenty of advanced notice to allow space fans to ask questions. Additionally, while Col. Worden was able to review all the questions and make notes before his interview, as you can imagine, his time is precious.

Please check back soon for details on the next edition of Astro Chat – we look forward to hearing your questions!

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